U Visa — What are Qualifying Crimes?
The U visa is a unique immigration relief option designed to protect victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are willing to assist law enforcement. It was created to encourage victims of crime to come forward and cooperate with law enforcement without fear of deportation.
The purpose of this collaboration is to help law enforcement agencies investigate and prosecute crimes, resulting in safer communities. The U visa also provides a pathway to lawful status in the United States for eligible individuals. If you believe that you may be eligible for a U visa, it is in your best interest to seek immediate legal counsel from an immigration attorney with experience in this particular area.
At Yekrangi & Associates, our legal team has in-depth knowledge of the qualifying crimes that make victims eligible and the important steps that those seeking protection under this program must take. Read on for more information about the U Visa, qualifying crimes, and how to apply.
Qualifying Crimes for U Visa Eligibility
To be eligible for a U visa, the victim must have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of having been a victim of one of the following qualifying crimes:
- Abduction — Unlawful taking away or carrying of a person by force or threat, often involving kidnapping.
- Abusive Sexual Contact — Inappropriate or non-consensual sexual contact, often involving force or coercion.
- Blackmail — Extortion or coercion through threats, often involving the demand for money or property.
- Domestic Violence — Physical or emotional abuse within a domestic relationship, including spouses, parents, or other family members.
- Extortion — Coercion or intimidation for the purpose of obtaining something, such as money or property.
- False Imprisonment — Unlawfully restraining or confining a person against their will.
- Female Genital Mutilation — The partial or total removal of external female genitalia for non-medical reasons.
- Felonious Assault — A serious, often violent, physical attack.
- Fraud in Foreign Labor Contracting — Deceptive practices related to foreign labor contracts that involve the recruitment or employment of workers.
- Hostage — Holding someone captive against their will, often demanding something in exchange for their release.
- Incest — Engaging in a sexual relationship with a close family member.
- Involuntary Servitude — Forcing someone to work against their will, often involving coercion or threats.
- Kidnapping — Unlawful taking away or carrying of a person, often involving transportation to another location.
- Manslaughter — The unlawful killing of another person without malice aforethought.
- Murder — The intentional killing of another person.
- Obstruction of Justice — Interfering with the administration of law, especially during an ongoing investigation or legal process.
- Peonage — Forcing someone into servitude or debt bondage.
- Perjury — Lying under oath during legal proceedings.
- Prostitution — Engaging in or soliciting sexual activity for payment.
- Rape — Non-consensual sexual intercourse or penetration.
- Sexual Assault — Unwanted sexual contact or behavior without explicit consent.
- Sexual Exploitation — Using another person for personal or financial gain through non-consensual sexual activities.
- Slave Trade — Human trafficking involving the recruitment, transportation, or sale of people for forced labor or exploitation.
- Stalking — Repeated and unwanted attention, contact, or harassment causing the victim to feel threatened or unsafe.
- Torture — Inflicting severe pain or suffering on another person, often for the purpose of obtaining information or punishment.
- Trafficking — Human trafficking involving recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of people through force or coercion.
- Witness Tampering — Intimidating or influencing a witness to withhold testimony or information from legal authorities.
The U Visa Application Process
If you are a victim of one of the qualifying crimes listed above and are willing to assist law enforcement, you may be eligible for a U visa. To apply for a U visa, you must:
- Obtain a certification from a law enforcement agency confirming your helpfulness in the investigation or prosecution of the crime.
- Complete the appropriate forms and supporting documentation and submit them to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
The processing time for U visa applications can range from several months to a few years, and several factors influence the timeline. These include case complexity, USCIS workload, background checks, changes in immigration policies and regulations, and the time it takes for law enforcement agencies to provide the necessary certification. It should also be noted that there is an annual cap of 10,000 on U visas. If the cap is reached, eligible applicants may be placed on a waiting list.
After holding U visa nonimmigrant status for three years, you may be eligible to apply for lawful permanent residence (green card). It is absolutely critical to work with an experienced immigration attorney if you wish to apply for a U visa and eventually obtain lawful permanent resident status. The application process is complex, and it can be lengthy and daunting. Having an attorney by your side dramatically improves your chances of a successful outcome.
Contact Yekrangi & Associates Today
Navigating the U visa application process, understanding the qualifying crimes, and gathering the necessary documentation is a challenging process. When it comes to something as serious as seeking protection through a U visa, it is in your best interest to work with an experienced immigration lawyer. At Yekrangi & Associates, your safety and well-being are our top priority. Contact us today for a confidential consultation about your case.

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I am so graceful and highly recommend Mr. Yekrangi to anyone who needs a legal advice.- Jose L.
Atty. Ashkan is a great, reputable and very professional lawyer. He handled my case and my husband case without any doubt.- Linda R.
Ashkan Yekrangi is the best immigration lawyer who helped me and my family in all critical situations with his great advice.- Zahra H.
First and foremost, I wanted to thank Ashkan and his team. They made the process of going through the immigration process as easy and stressful as possible.- Billy W.
When I had my interview with my whole family, we passed it because of Mr. Ashkan. I am so thankful for Yekrangi Associates.- Mickey M.